Platform on civil engineering, underground infrastructure, energy, construction equipment & construction machinery


001 IMG 0056

Bell Dredging delivers five Bell A-frame dredgers to Thai government

20240327 161943000 iOS

Special formwork

Photo 1

Complex soil, innovative solutions

IMG 4731

Smart combination of permanent and temporary facilities at De Poel pumping station

IMG 9371

Fish Lift Up deployed at De Poel pumping station

depoel 4

New De Poel pumping station: feat of engineering in Zeeland's polders

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IMG 9227

One of the largest fish-friendly submersible pumps in the world 

241025 Oosterhof Holman lock Zoutkamp 77

Restoration Hunsingo lock is pure craft

Fauna tunnel with young otter

Zoutkamp pumping station also 'nature-inclusive'

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