Platform on civil engineering, underground infrastructure, energy, construction equipment & construction machinery
Digital engineering: prelude to more efficient, effective and cost-saving design approaches
The consistency check becomes automatic, but alignment remains human work.

Digital engineering: prelude to more efficient, effective and cost-saving design approaches

The integral and multidisciplinary design and realization of innovative applications is Soltegro's specialty. With its core business, the company contributes strongly to a sustainable and vital infrastructure. One of the services through which this happens and on which the company is increasingly focusing is digital engineering. A widely rolled-out basis that significantly improves the design and management of projects and systems and results in a smooth-running and cost-saving automation process. 

Digital engineering focuses on applying digital technologies and methods around the design, modeling, analysis and management of complex systems and projects. The service combines traditional engineering principles with advanced digital tools and software. The goal is crystal clear: more efficient and effective processes. Within Soltegro, a team of specialists is intensively working on this every day. Indeed, the deployment of digital engineering has been one of the company's spearheads for some time now. A course that stems from dire necessity, according to co-director Franc Fouchier and system architect Rob de Jong. 

Photo 2 Soltegro
Rob de Jong's responsibilities as a system architect at Soltegro include the design of complex systems.

Insufficient connection

"You currently see the situation where the tools and models brought in from various design disciplines don't mesh well," Frank said. "Whether it's civil engineering, IA&E, mechanical engineering or steel: a different toolbox is used everywhere. When these disciplines meet in practice, it results in a lot of duplication of information and manual work to keep the different models current. In addition, inconsistencies arise between the various model variants. An undesirable situation that creates the necessary risks during the updating of the design information. In the realization phase, but certainly also during use, management and maintenance. It is a problem that will only get worse as a result of the increasing complexity of systems. Action is therefore called for. Especially in terms of better cooperation and communication."

Photo 3 Soltegro
Hub-spoke architecture of integrated models.


The solution, according to Soltegro, lies in digital engineering. Not by housing all project information in one complex and extensive monolithic model, but rather by dividing the model scope into a series of smaller models. Within the resulting set-up, Rob says it is important to then clearly describe and maintain the formal interrelationships. "When you integrate the models of the disciplines involved through these formal relationships, you work together toward a comprehensive understanding of the system and the opportunity arises to automate a number of design tasks. And that translates into greater efficiency, effectiveness and cost control during system design and maintenance. However, it is important not only to work out the technical scope of a project, but also to include logistics and construction phasing. Only then do you have a comprehensive framework with which you can optimally support design, realization and operation by using new digital resources such as AI and Virtual Reality. A result that benefits every project stakeholder." 

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