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Project Reconstruction Hoogstraat Landgraaf serves dual purpose
High Street work overview.

Project Reconstruction High Street Landgraaf serves dual purpose

In April of this year, a start was made on the redesign of Hoogstraat in the Limburg municipality of Landgraaf. This busy thoroughfare is passed daily by an average of 18,000 vehicles. In addition, a large number of cyclists and pedestrians use the road. By carrying out various above-ground works, Mourik Infra is ensuring a considerable improvement in traffic safety. At the same time, the existing flooding problem, a problem faced by several municipalities in the region, is being addressed underground....

The currently ongoing project on Landgraaf's High Street is a textbook example of close cooperation between municipality, contractor and residents. The redevelopment of the area also has a dual purpose. "One is to raise traffic safety to a higher level," explains Peter Suppers, project manager on behalf of Mourik Infra - location Echt. "In recent years, traffic in Landgraaf has increased considerably. Especially the presence of a school complex and sports center ensure that this route is frequently used. With the redesign the bike paths will be physically separated from car traffic. Furthermore we will construct sidewalks and extra measures will be implemented at various crossing points. Last but not least, we are providing the road with new surfacing."

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Build IT basements.

Additional storage capacity 

Municipality of Landgraaf and the surrounding municipalities are increasingly suffering from flooding. The work carried out by Mourik Infra will greatly reduce this nuisance. "The heavy rainfall increasingly causes overloading of the sewer system," continued Peter. "As a result, the Hoogstraat at its lowest point was flooding quite often." Mourik would not be Mourik if it could not devise an effective solution to this problem. As a follow-up to the previously constructed additional water storage capacity near swimming pool "In de Bende," the company is constructing two new underground water storage areas (or IT cellars) with a combined capacity of about 1,300 cubic meters. These are temporary storage areas that ensure that excess rainwater is stored during peaks. It is then infiltrated back into the soil through the walls. The remaining water is later discharged through the sewer system in a controlled manner.

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Separation of bike lane and car traffic.

Actively involved

In addition to its dual purpose, the project rolled out in Landgraaf is characterized by a perfect example of cooperation between municipality, contractor and citizens. "The active involvement of residents in the work makes this project truly unique," says Peter. "We gave people the opportunity to think about the plans as early as the design phase. Partly due to the efforts of our environmental manager, this resulted in a fine piece of commitment, from which people can also reap the benefits in the future. For example, in combination with the additional water storage facilities, various initiatives contribute to keeping dry feet when the weather gods turn on the tap once again."

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Connect sidewalk to asphalt.

Nice sequel

The performance achieved in the Limburg countryside is a source of great satisfaction to both contractor and client, it seems. "For our team the following applies: pleasure in the work, makes perfection in our work," said Peter. "Both aspects are fully present during this wonderful project, in which we also have a keen eye for the interests of the residents. For example, the road will remain open for emergencies, cyclists and pedestrians during the work. The safety of road users and our own people will also be intensively monitored." 

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Councilman Freed Janssen (left) and project manager Peter Suppers.

Sharing knowledge

Freed Janssen, alderman on behalf of the Municipality of Landgraaf, has been equally delighted. "With greater road safety and less inconvenience from rainfall, we are killing two birds with one stone with this project. We are very happy with the modifications," said Freed, who sees every scope for a follow-up elsewhere in the region. "The surrounding municipalities also face the same challenge as we do: how do we keep our feet dry? It is therefore good that we are sharing the experience and knowledge gained during this project with them." The starting signal for this sounded on September 24. That was when Mourik and the Municipality of Landgraaf, in cooperation with Trewatin, a company specializing in infiltration facilities, organized a special network meeting for interested municipalities in the region. Climate adaptation was emphatically the central theme. Peter looks back on the meeting: "Rain showers are becoming more frequent and heavier. That is why the municipalities in the Parkstad region are taking up the challenge together to tackle the increasing flooding. The application of IT basements is a possible solution to reduce flooding. We organized this meeting with the nearby municipalities in the context of connection and knowledge sharing with the ultimate goal of stimulating and strengthening regional cooperation."     

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