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Inspiring businesswoman at the helm at Nooteboom

Inspiring businesswoman at helm at Nooteboom

'Important to look at business process from a different background'

In the world of trailers for heavy transport applications, Marinka Nooteboom (52) is a name that resonates as a powerful change in a traditional sector. As the fifth generation to hold the reins of the Royal Nooteboom Group family business, she has proven that women can not only take a place in a man's world, but also shine at the top.

The story of Marinka's joining the leadership of Nooteboom Group begins in 2010, when she joined the Supervisory Board after a 3-year course at Nyenrode Business University. Although the company was in dire straits at the time, her background in banking brought new perspectives and strategic insights that proved invaluable. She took the wheel with determination and put her entrepreneurial spirit to work to get the company back on track.

"My father was pinned on a sticker from home as a successor, but for his three daughters he wanted a different scenario. He wanted us to follow our own interests, whatever that would lead to," Marinka says. "I have always found that freedom to be very pleasant." It opened the door for her to gain experience in banking before she stepped into the equipment world. That background gave her a valuable financial perspective, which was often lacking in construction and industry. "It's always important to look at business processes from a different background and continue to learn from others," she said.

Change in leadership

Before Marinka was fully in place within the Supervisory Board, she was asked to act as the right hand of the then managing director to deal with the financial crisis. This marked the beginning of a rapid rise in the company. "Soon I was preparing pieces for banks and, in addition to Finance, I was also given HR and IT under my belt." In January 2011, Marinka started as interim managing director and a year later she was appointed managing director of the Nooteboom Group.

What fascinates Marinka about the company is that what comes in as raw sheet steel ends up rolling back out as sophisticated trailers. That transformation from raw material to high-quality products continues to inspire her. "It makes me proud to be part of the Dutch manufacturing industry. A few things have definitely stuck with me," Marinka says, pointing to the company's evolution. "The group has become significantly data-driven and the organization is less pyramid-shaped. From directive management, we have moved to self-managing teams, with responsibility placed as low as possible in the organization."

Working on diversity

Seeking to embrace change, Nooteboom is increasingly working with universities, colleges and industry to drive innovation. In doing so, Marinka emphasizes the importance of lasting change and diversity in the industry. She herself serves as an inspiring example for women in a man's world. "I see myself as a textbook example that it is a lot of fun to work in a technical environment, even as a woman." Her message to women in the equipment industry is clear: "Go for it! Follow your gut and sail on your own intuition. Diversity in our industry is only positive."

Marinka Nooteboom is an inspiring businesswoman who shows that determination and vision are more important than gender to be successful. Her story is an inspiration to other women. Under her leadership, the Nooteboom Group continues to grow and innovate, which has not gone unnoticed. After honorable mentions (top-5) within the Diamond category (> €50 million turnover) of networking club The Next Women, the ultimate recognition in the form of the honorary title Businesswoman of the Year 2022 followed at the end of 2021. "I am extremely proud of that, although I would immediately like to add that I definitely did not do it on my own."

With united forces

There is a lot of knowledge within the organization and by combining it with outside influences, Nooteboom seeks to make further strides. "We must not stand still, must keep changing," Marinka states. "In the end, we have one goal, and that is to satisfy the customers. As a team, we do our stinking best to achieve that, and we do it with combined efforts. I have tried to cash in and add to the treasure chest filled by previous generations. What I learned in banking still comes in handy often. In that world it is customary to have all records in order. In business, this is often handled more loosely."

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