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Westpoort Training Center

The most practical training provider in the Netherlands.
Private or business, student or client, the most important thing about obtaining a certificate is that afterwards you can quickly continue doing what you are good at. That is the starting point in the courses offered by Opleidingscentrum Westpoort. That is why we focus on three pillars when offering our practical ARBO courses: fast, easy and fun.

Arrange it now. Start tomorrow.
Westpoort takes care of that for you. With a wide range of open enrollment courses, getting a certificate or renewing one is quickly arranged. For each course you will find a schedule, the program and prices. With a few clicks on the website or a phone call to one of our training advisors, the student can attend a course the very next day. That's how fast things can go at Training Center Westpoort.

The address for your certificate.
With over 100 hands-on ARBO courses, Training Center Westpoort is the place to go for your mandatory certification. Besides our GWW courses, you follow a asbestos training from DAV to DTA. Or get your VCA certificate or your Code 95discounted continuing education hours. Get daily, Monday through Saturday, BHV and Forklift course taught at our locations.

Take a course at your own location with an in-company.
We tailor the program entirely to specific company aspects, so that employees can immediately apply the material in their own work environment. It is also possible to take a private course at one of our course locations.

At Westpoort, in most cases, you will be trained and certified in one day. So you can get back to what you do best as soon as possible.



Amsterdam Educator

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