Your experienced partner in high-quality durable paving materials
V.d. Bosch Beton b.v. is a reputable and decisive company specializing in the manufacture and supply of high-quality durable concrete paving materials.
Since its founding in 1914, the company has grown into a modern, streamlined organization with factories in Almelo and Vriezenveen and headquarters in Almelo.
Sustainability and innovation are high on the agenda every day. Reduton® cementless concrete is a great example of this. In Reduton® products, the cement 100% has been replaced by a sustainable binder, the gravel 100% has been replaced and the sand 50% by secondary raw materials. Reduton® cementless concrete has been produced fully automated since mid-2016 and has all certificates. Also, CO2 emissions are demonstrably 60-75% lower than when manufacturing traditional concrete paving materials. "From pioneers to experts in cementless concrete"
Also, v.d. Bosch Beton b.v. provides the best service for your next paving project. For more than 100 years, v.d. Bosch Beton b.v. has been your innovative partner in civil engineering. V.d. Bosch Beton b.v. is deployable as a producer and supplier of a complete range of high-quality durable paving materials.
Water-buffering roads, green parking, climate adaptation, innovation, circularity, decisive, pioneering, service-oriented and cooperation are a few terms that fit v.d. Bosch Beton b.v. very well. AquaBASE, Park Positive, Reduton® and Ecoton® are good examples of this.