FiberCore Europe
Building the future
We are FiberCore Europe. A Rotterdam-based company. With a Rotterdam mentality. A young, proud and innovative company that knows how to get things done. We build bridges. Not just any bridges; bridges with an eye to the future. Durable, strong and low-maintenance.
FiberCore Europe is the specialist and market leader in ultralight, (self)supporting and heavy-duty fiber-reinforced plastic structures for infra. The Rotterdam-based company caused a true revolution with the introduction of the worldwide patented InfraCore® Inside technology. In addition to concrete and steel, FiberCore Europe put composite on the map as a serious construction material. At home and abroad, over 1500 (heavy traffic) bridges, bridge decks and lock gates have now been built with this pioneering technology. Including the longest bridge span and the largest lock gates made of fiber reinforced plastic in the world.
Innovative, sustainable bridges
FiberCore bridges with InfraCore® Inside technology require virtually no maintenance and last at least 100 years. They are light, economical and highly durable. We design, manufacture and install not only foot and bicycle bridges for light traffic, but also road bridges (movable and fixed) for traffic up to the heaviest category. Our bridges are many times lighter than concrete or steel, allowing significant savings in the investment or renovation costs of a project. Their light weight makes them easy and quick to transport and install. Because of their light weight, FiberCore bridges for light traffic usually do not need to be founded.