Platform on civil engineering, underground infrastructure, energy, construction equipment & construction machinery
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ELM Group

Welcome to the ELM Group

ELM was founded in the 1930s and has been active for almost 90 years as a supplier of earthmoving equipment and related products for civil engineering. Below you will find more information about the various companies within the ELM Group.

ELM Construction Machinery

ELM Construction Machinery is responsible for the sales and service of the world brand Doosan for the South-West Netherlands region. We fulfill an advisory function and offer our customers adequate solutions in the field of sales, repairs & maintenance


RentELM rents out only the very latest earthmoving equipment that meets the highest standards. Whether you need an (electric) earthmoving machine for a short or longer period, in consultation we can rent you a machine that meets your specific requirements.


ETEC machines are designed by our engineering department to meet your specific requirements. Under the brand names ETEC ZERO EMISSION, ETEC DEMOLITION & ETEC SPECIALTIES (customized machines, including foundation machines), ELM Specialties offers a complete line of machines with unprecedented capabilities!

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