Platform on civil engineering, underground infrastructure, energy, construction equipment & construction machinery
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BCS Steenbergen

With more than 50 years of experience in the production of reinforcing steel products and the processing of reinforcing steel on the construction site, we are a highly competent partner for our relations. Over the years, we have become increasingly efficient in the various application possibilities and the various techniques, and we apply our knowledge in ground, road and hydraulic engineering, utility and residential construction both domestically and internationally.

In an order-driven production process, we process rebar with diameters from 8mm to 50mm into rebar products in the product groups:

  • prefabricated reinforcement
  • reinforcement baskets
  • steel to length
  • loose reinforcement
  • footplates
  • rolling mats
Hoogeveen Steelworking


Dr. A. Philips Street 15
7900 AB Hoogeveen


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