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Tailored foundation solution with special pile mattress of 452 piles
For Knol Akkrum, meeting the high standards was no problem.

Customized foundation solution with special pile mattress of 452 piles

Contractor Knol Akkrum was responsible for the foundation of three artworks and a green screen for Aanpak Ring Zuid. In total, the company vibrated and piled nearly 550 piles. "As many as 452 of these served to construct a pile mattress on the Paterswoldseweg viaduct to counteract the settling of the newly supplied soil," says project manager Jappie Koopmans. 

Groningen's 12-kilometer-long new southern ring road has more than thirty structures, of which Knol Akkrum took care of the pile foundations at Europaweg (21), Paterswoldeweg (07) and Stadspark (06). "On Europaweg, we made 80 meters of combi wall with 35 tubular piles of 25 meters length a diameter of 914 millimeters. The piles had been fitted with rings for the concrete reinforcements by Knol Akkrum construction workers and near the highway were all driven at night and installed in two phases to minimize traffic disruption. Spread over ten weeks including placing the sheet pile walls over a length of 90 meters, thirty laying anchors for extra stability and carrying out the construction work," explains Jappie. 

Large resources were not shunned for the construction of the sheet pile walls.

No piles, but tubular piles

Big means were not shunned. "An 80-ton Hitachi KH 230, the heaviest we had, was used for that," says Jappie. Incidentally, the company has since replaced that wire crane with a new Hitachi SCX 800. On Artwork 07, the pile heights ran to 28 meters and they were first vibrated 18 meters and nageheid 10 meters. "To provide support for the abutments, we vibrated in a pile mattress of 452 tubes there for stability. With a single span, the new viaduct comes in more than the old one. The pile mattress should counteract settlement of the freshly brought in soil," Jappie says. "Because we had to use high-frequency vibration as a precaution against nuisance, exceptionally, piles were not chosen here, but tubular piles." For the third structure, this involved another 28 tubular piles with a length of 24 meters and a slightly smaller diameter of 762 millimeters.

03 night vision
To minimize traffic disruption, piling was also done at night.

Execution class 3

It was no problem for Knol Akkrum to meet the high requirements of Aanpak Ring Zuid, because it is one of the few pile-driving companies that carries out structural work under its own management according to Execution Class 3, both in its own welding sheds and on the work site. "This provides a cast-iron guarantee of a high-quality result, because the requirements contained therein are very far-reaching. In addition to independent inspections, it also requires our welders to make a sample every six months. For inspection purposes, we can also trace every weld to the contractor."    

In addition to the artworks, Knol Akkrum also deployed its own specialized services for the construction of a section of green fencing along the Zuiderring, which required an extra-deep foundation. "It involved 123 pieces of steel beams from 10 to 17 meters that we had to vibrate with an extremely precise tolerance of 25 millimeters. For foundation work, that's pretty precise. That is why we vibrated broker guided with a mobile piling rig," said Jappie. 

As a contracting company, Knol Akkrum is an all-rounder with a solid reputation especially for piling work. "This allowed us to easily cope with the large scale of the reconstruction of the southern ring road. Including the inner-city challenges, such as transporting the 28-meter piles right through the city of Groningen," Jappie concludes.     

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